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Texas RINO Mac Thornberry ‘uncomfortable’ hearing Trump describe Baghdadi before death crying, screaming and whining

Mac Thornberry runs to CNN and Fake Jake Tapper to do an interview after it’s learned that ISIS founder Abu Al-Baghdadi was killed in a US special forces raid. Thornberry, who represents a safe Republican district in Texas (got 81% of the vote in 2018) decided to whine to little Fake Jake Tapper about how uncomfortable it was to hear Trump describe the now dead terrorist as crying, screaming and whimpering. This is just yet another example as to why Republicans suck. How the hell could that make anyone other than a terrorist supporting Democrat or media hack feel uncomfortable: The more Baghdadi suffered, the more we should hear about .t

Texas RINO Mac Thornberry ‘uncomfortable’ hearing Trump describe Baghdadi before death crying, screaming and whining
Texas RINO Mac Thornberry 'uncomfortable' hearing Trump describe Baghdadi before death crying, screaming and whining

On Sunday’s broadcast of CNN’s “State of the Union,” Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-TX), the ranking Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, commented on President Donald Trump’s announcement of the death Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS.

Host Jake Tapper asked, “What do you make of the president’s— he painted a very vivid picture of al Baghdadi dying a very cowardly death, which I don’t doubt for a second, a lot of these terrorists are cowards. It was very vidid. He talked about him crying and whining, detonating his vest, killing his three children while he did so. I don’t doubt it, they’re monsters, but is there any concern on your part because now there is a question what ISIS will do in response to this move, in response perhaps to the president’s rhetoric. Does that concern you at all in terms of galvanizing or motivating isis terrorists?”

Thornberry replied, “It probably makes me a little uncomfortable to hear a president talking that way. Again Baghdadi was the inspirational leader for the ISIS network across the world from Africa to Southeast Asia. If you can take a little bit of the glamour off him and make him less inspirational, there is a value to that for all of these folks who are on their computers or in these networks looking to attack.”