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Bloomberg shills for Baghdadi: little-known teacher of Koranic recitation

First the Washington Post calls terrorist Baghdadi a “religious scholar”, now left wing Bloomberg calls the dead terrorist a “little-known teacher of Koranic recitation.” Geez, what the hell is with the media and their carrying water for terrorist like this. Where they this bad when Osama Bin Laden was killed too?

Bloomberg shills for Baghdadi: little-known teacher of Koranic recitation
Bloomberg shills for Baghdadi: little-known teacher of Koranic recitation

Listen you liberal media jackholes. Baghdadi was nothing more than a murderous terrorist. I realize he isn’t a “white supremacist” that you could try and tie to Trump and his supporters, but he was still a terrorist. Stop trying to sugar coat these days pieces of shit. Goodbye al-Baghdadi! Rot in hell you piece of shit!