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Crooked James Comey: I’m moving to New Zealand if Trump wins re-election

Crooked James Comey is getting nervous, now that the Russia hoax probe has become a criminal probe. He know’s he’s in deep do do if Barr actually follows through on prosecuting Comey for his crimes against America. Comey has been awfully quiet on Twitter lately, until these comments, it’s almost like the swallowed it up. Hopefully Comey will be in prison before Trump’s re-election next November. There’s no Gitmo in New Zealand, so he might not get the chance to move (like he would even if he walked free). These liberal slime always threaten to leave the country. Remember Rosie O”Donnell and the liberals in 2016? Unfortunately, they are still here. I should apply for a “Send Comey to New Zealand” trademark for shirts.

Crooked James Comey: I’m moving to New Zealand if Trump wins re-election
Crooked James Comey: I'm moving to New Zealand if Trump wins re-election