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Elizabeth Warren at 50 percent in betting odds to win Democrat nomination

Believe it or not, they actually have betting odds now on who will win the communist Democrat nomination to run against Trump in 2020. The leader by a mile is fake injun Elizabeth Warren at about 50%. Crusty Joe Biden who everyone thought would be automatically the Democrat nominee’s odds are now under 20%. The Ukraine story is killing Biden in not only in the polls but betting odds too.

With rumors that Hillary Clinton might run again, she’s between 5-6%. That’s ahead of Corey Booker (Spartacus), burglar Robert Francis O’Rourke and flip-flopping socialist Tulsi Gabbard. Oh, it’s also ahead of Tim Ryan, but who isn’t ahead of Tim Ryan? Clinton is even ahead of salad comb eater Amy Klobuchar.

Elizabeth Warren at 50 percent in betting odds to win Democrat nomination
Elizabeth Warren at 50 percent in betting odds to win Democrat nomination

Let’s imagine for a second that Elizabeth Warren does get the Democrat nomination. Who do you think she picks as Vice President? If the nominee was either Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders, the pick would either be Kamala Harris or Stacey Abrams. If Warren gets the nomination, does she pick Abrams? I doubt she will pick Harris. Or does she maybe take Bernie Sanders?