Pencil Neck Adam Schiff destroyed whatever small shred of credibility he had left, after making up, out of thin air words on the transcript of the phone call between Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky.
Pencil Neck Schiff makes up own version of Trump-Ukraine call, then says it’s parody |
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We have the transcript.
So why did Schiff make up his own version of the call in a Congressional hearing?
Because he knows the transcript shows no quid pro quo or crimes.
Dems are literally making stuff up now because they have no legitimate reason to impeach @realDonaldTrump.
— Steve Scalise (@SteveScalise) September 26, 2019
My jaw is on the floor.
“Intelligence” Committee Adam Schiff just fabricated, out of thin-air, the contents of the Trump phone call with Ukraine’s President.
Not a word he says here is true. Not. A. Word.
This entire dark carnival is sad, unhinged Orange Man Bad fan fiction.— Benny (@bennyjohnson) September 26, 2019
The Ukraine Call Transcript was so damning that Adam Schiff had to completely rewrite it and make up quotes that weren’t in
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) September 26, 2019
Adam Schiff says his summary of Trump’s call was meant to be “parody”
Raise your hand if you think the Chair of the House Intelligence Committee shouldn’t be manipulating reality for a joke amidst an impeachment inquiry!
— Ashley StClair
(@stclairashley) September 26, 2019