No matter how many fake news polls come out (including Faux News) and tell you that Joe Biden is unbeatable and leading Trump by double digits will have to check their fake polls at the door. As the corruption scandal hovers over Joe Biden and his corrupt family, a new Rasmussen poll, one of the most accurate in the 2016 election has Trump leading Biden nationally by a margin of 47% to 43%. The sample includes 1,000 likely voters and has
a margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.
It’s happening! Trump 47% Biden 43% |
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Most voters expect Joe Biden to be the Democratic nominee, but President Trump has the edge for now in next year’s presidential race.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 65% of Likely U.S. Voters think Biden is likely to be the Democrats’ presidential candidate next year, although only 23% consider that Very Likely. Twenty-eight percent (28%) say he is unlikely to be nominated, but just nine percent (9%) say it’s Not At All Likely.