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Washington Post compares Elizabeth Warren to Frederick Douglass because selfies

Just when you think the pitiful media and the Washington Post couldn’t get anymore pathetic, this happens. They are now comparing the fake injun, Elizabeth Warren to Frederick Douglas because she takes a bunch of selfies or something. Seriously. First of all, Fredrick Douglas was a Republican, not a socialist Democrat like Elizabeth Warren. Secondly, Fredrick Douglas didn’t have to lie about his race to accomplish what he did during his life unlike the fake injun. And finally, Fredrick Douglas has to escape being a slave in Maryland. Fake injun Warren rode on the backs of minorities with her fake Indian BS to advance herself over others.

Washington Post compares Elizabeth Warren to Frederick Douglass because selfies
Washington Post compares Elizabeth Warren to Frederick Douglass because selfies

It’s obvious by now the flavor of the month for the media is fake injun Warren. But comparing her to a great man like Fredrick Douglas is beyond insulting, not just the Douglas, but the all African Americans. These Washington Post hacks better hope there is no blackface photos or videos of Elizabeth Warren out there.