This is so awesome. Seems the burglar and hit and runner Robert Francis O’Rourke is in Colorado today campaigning. A pro Second Amendment mom who told Robert Francis: “I am here to say hell no, you’re not” going to confiscation my AR-15 or AK-47. She also called Robert Francis O’Rourke out for being the criminal and burglar he is. LOL! Way to go ma’am! Robert Francis appeared stunned and stammered as he tried to answer the woman.
I love this not because Robert Francis has a shot in hell of winning the nomination. I love this simply because of the pure smackdown this lady gave the, smug, arrogant, smirking Robert Francis who thinks he is god.
Robert Francis O’Rourke gets owned in Colorado over gun confiscation |
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A pro-2A Mother confronts @BetoORourke and asks him how he plans to take guns away from law-abiding citizens.
Beto said during a recent debate "hell yes, we're going to take your AR-15 and AK-47."
"I am here to say hell no, you're not," the woman responded.
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) September 20, 2019
“I was one of the gun owning Americans that heard your speech and heard what you had to say regarding ‘hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15s and your AK-47’ and well, I am here to say hell no you’re not. So, with that, I would like to know how you intend to legislate evil, because it’s not the gun it’s the heart of the man,”
“So, I want to know how you intend to legislate the hearts of men and leave American citizens like myself, American mothers — I have four children — I’m 5’0 and 100 pounds, I cannot really defend myself with a fist –”
“I don’t have my AR-15 today, I have my glock,” she asserted.
“don’t worry sir, I have your back.”
“burglars do not like armed defense.”“Yet, that is a right that we have that shall not be infringed in America.”
Pure awesome!