Corey Lewandowski crushed the left wing clown session in congress yesterday. During the faux Trump impeachment hearings (Democrats don’t have to guts to actually go through with it), Lewindownski was repeatedly harassed by morons like Fat Jerry Nadler, Shiela Jackson-Lee and so forth. Today, CNN got Lewandowski’s wrath. Morning CNN hack Alisyn Camerota. She asked Lewandowski if lied under oath. CNN is famous for employing left wing hacks that lie under oath. The most recent example is of course Andrew McCabe who may be prosecuted for just that. Then of course there’s James Clapper who lied under oath when he was asked if the NSA spies on Americans.
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ALISYN CAMEROTA: There’s another moment that’s gotten a lot of attention. Where you basically admitted the conditions with which you tell the truth. So let’s play this moment.
COREY LEWANDOWSKI [clip from 9/17 committee testimony]: I’m a truth teller every time I stand before Congress, or a committee of jurisdiction, and raise my hand and swear to God under oath.
BARRY BERKE [Democrat committee counsel]: My question, sir, is when you said the President never asked you to get involved with Mr. Sessions —
LEWANDOWSKI: I have no obligation to have a candid conversation with the media whatsoever, just like they have no obligation to cover me honestly. And they do it inaccurately all the time.
BERKE: So you’re admitting that on national television you were lying there?
LEWANDOWSKI: What I’m saying is, they’ve been inaccurate on many occasions and perhaps I was inaccurate that time.
CAMEROTA: Okay, Corey, so just to be clear. You only feel the obligation to tell the truth when you’re under oath?
LEWANDOWSKI: Which is clearly more than some of your contributors. As you know, Andy McCabe, who has a criminal referral, who’s a CNN contributor, was not accurate under oath. He has a criminal referral for lying to the FBI, for lying to the Inspector General on three separate occasions. But Alisyn, you and your network continue to use him as a contributor, who has been lying under oath! And so, if you’re going to hold me to a standard, hold your same employees and contributors to that same standard. I have no criminal referrals.
CAMEROTA: Corey, just a simple question. It’s just a simple question about —
LEWANDOWSKI: Alisyn, excuse me. Excuse me —
CAMEROTA: Answer the question.
LEWANDOWSKI: I’ll be happy to answer your question and I’ll be held to the same standard as the employees and contributors to CNN which means —
CAMEROTA: What are you talking about?
LEWANDOWSKI: When I am under oath, I will tell the truth. That can’t be said, the truth, as James Comey, or Andrew McCabe, who’s employed by CNN.