After the weekend, CBS gave Ilhan Omar a softball interview to let her try and get away with her “some people did something” crack about victims on 9/11. As you would expect, CBS never challenged Omar, instead asking her once about it and letting her play the victim card. It was pitiful, pathetic and sad, but it’s completely reflective of the national media.
Tonight, on “The Story” with Martha MacCallum, Micolas Haros Jr., the man who called out Ilhan Omar on 9/11 once again had to respond to Omar’s pitiful playing of the victim card. Haros said that because he is a Catholic, he has to forgive Omar, but bluntly told Omar that she is not the victim. The families of those who lost loved ones, or the first responders who suffered from the poison in the air after the attack are the victims, not Ilhan Omar.
Nicholas Haros crushes Ilhan Omar after she plays victim card for 9/11 |
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Screw you Minnesota for sending her and other trash to prominent places in politics. Minnesota isn’t just famous for Ilhan Omar. Don’t forget about woman beater Keith Ellison, serial groper and election theif Al Franken, Record loser Walter Mondale, 9/11 truther Jesse Ventura and others. Minnesota should be given to Canada.