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anti-Semite Rashida Tlaib bashes Israel for having park only open to residents of Afula

anti-Semite Rashida Tlaib just can’t help herself when she rages against Jews and Israel. The anti-Semitic congress witch from Michigan posted this tweet complaining about Israel not allowing a Palestinian mother and child into a park in Afula. As usual, Tlaib called it racist by the Jews for didn’t allow the non resident Palestinians in. But there are two big problems with raging Tlaib’s retweet and slander:

anti-Semite Rashida Tlaib bashes Israel for having park only open to residents of Afula
anti-Semite Rashida Tlaib bashes Israel for having park only open to residents of Afula

1) Palestinians are not a race.
2) More importantly: The sign read clearing in Hebrew that only residents of Afula were allowed to use the park. It wasn’t a “Public park” as Tlaib and the anti-Semitic leftists would have you believe. There is nothing “racist” or bigoted against having places like parks being only open to people who live in the area. If that were the case then all left wing filth that live in gated communities must allow anyone into their area to use the facilities no matter where they come from. It’s kind of like with illegal aliens. They want them here so badly, why not set them up with room and board at their homes?

Keep spewing your anti-Semitism Tlaib. You are a piece of garbage and so are the people who elected you.