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Portland police confirm ‘milkshakes’ tossed by AntiFA contained quick-drying cement

I haven’t heard any of the media mention what happened with AntiFA and journalist Andy Ngo yesterday. Nothing from Fox News or anyone else. Now the lazy Portland police who stood around and let the terrorist AntiFA get away with their assault on Mr. Ngo are confirming that the so called “milkshakes” tossed by AntiFA at Ngo and others did in fact contain quick drying cement. If you are thinking that these were just your run of the mill Ronald McDonald milkshake, then you are wrong.

Portland police confirm ‘milkshakes’ tossed by AntiFA contained quick-drying cement
Portland police confirm 'milkshakes' tossed by AntiFA contained quick-drying cement

This was premeditated hate crime. I would say that the pathetic Portland Police and city’s mayor Ted Wheeler should be ashamed of themselves, but I doubt they are. Portland police had a chance to stop this before Andy Ngo was sent to the hospital with multiple bloody injuries. They did, and did nothing. Screw the do nothing Portland police. As for Ted Wheeler, this is his only tweet (at the time of this post) since June 22:

There is also a retweet about some company thanking Wheeler. Pure scum.