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Washington Examiner poll voters think Tulsi Gabbard won last night’s debate

The Washington Examiner is one of the few non-left wing propaganda newspapers/sites around these days. They did a poll of their readers on who they think won last night’s kiddie table Democrat debate. By an overwhelming margin, the debate winner in that poll was Tulsi Gabbard. Coming in a distant second was fake injun Elizabeth Warren and third was Julian Castro.

Washington Examiner poll voters think Tulsi Gabbard won last night’s debate
Washington Examiner poll voters think Tulsi Gabbard won last night's debate

Tulsi Gabbard is one of the few Democrats that isn’t a complete lunatic. I wouldn’t ever vote for her, but she’s not as crazy as most Democrats, She also not as ugly or creepy looking as most Democrats either. When she shredded creepy looking Tim Ryan last night, it was hilarious. Donald Trump isn’t a choice in this poll and I say he’s the one who won the Democrat because all the Democrats looked like idiots last night and probably will tonight.