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Robert Beto O’Rourke becomes the Democrat version of low energy Jeb Bush

When you look for parallels between the 2016 and 2020 campaign, you had to have noticed that media darling Robert “Beto” O’Rourke reminded people of someone from the 2016 debates. Who might that be? Beto was last night’s debate Jeb Bush. He was low energy, nervous and fidgety. He was billed as this “great debater” because he came so close to beating Ted Cruz in 2018 and would be the Democrat savior because he spoke Spanish.

Robert Beto O’Rourke becomes the Democrat version of low energy Jeb Bush
Robert Beto O'Rourke becomes the Democrat version of low energy Jeb Bush

With O’Rourke low energy performance last night, he basically ended his chances at even making any noise in the Democrat primaries for 2020. His money will dry up and he will just skateboard away. He might last through South Carolina, but like Jeb Bush he’ll be toast after winning no delegates.

Even the so called “media experts” are saying O’Rourke was a disaster last night. His speaking in Spanish was probably the only highlight he had. Other than that he stumbled, fumbled and played with his hands and couldn’t’ give clear and concise answers to any questions. O’Rourke is toast, if he wasn’t already before the debates began.

So much for the media’s “Robert F. Kennedy” twin.