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Mark Putnam, Democrat admaker flees sinking Biden campaign

The Biden meltdown is in full swing. Rats are already jumping the sinking Biden campaign. Mark Putnam was hired by Biden shortly after announcing his campaign in April. After Biden’s segregationist cracks last night and racist demanding of Corey Booker to apologize for him, Putnam has left the Biden campaign. Mark Putnam is a veteran of eight U.S. presidential campaigns, Mark was one of the lead media makers for President Barack Obama in both his 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns.

Mark Putnam, Democrat admake flees sinking Biden campaign
Mark Putnam, Democrat admake flees sinking Biden campaign

Not much news coverage of Mark Putnam ditching the Biden campaign like a rat fleeing a sinking ship. Of course, we all know why. The chosen one is imploding. At least Biden will have all that illegal money he and his kids made with China and the Ukraine to fall back on.