Ugly communist Democrats like Kim Schrier of Washington have such problems with enforcing border laws to keep illegal aliens out and want to take your guns away. Yet when it comes to an actual human life with a heartbeat, Democrats like Schrier think it’s merely a “gimmick.” If you have a heartbeat, you automatically don’t have a soul or get personhood.
Democrat: Pro-lifers conflate a heartbeat with a soul or with personhood |
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Congresswoman Kim Schrier (D., Wash.) complained Republicans “conflate a heartbeat with a soul or with personhood” during an interview with Hill.TV about the national conversations over abortion legislation.
“I can tell you about a single heart cell, a myocardial cell, in a petri dish in a lab at the University of Washington that will beat,” Schrier said during the Tuesday interview.
Schrier, the only female doctor serving in the House, went on to describe the science cited by supporters of so-called “heartbeat bills,” which outlaw abortion once a heartbeat can be detected, as a “gimmick” pushed by pro-life advocates to increase support for the legislation.