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Corrupt Democrat Rep. Katie Porter admits to using ‘Congressional Clout’ to erase her medical bills

Must be nice to be in Congress. You can use tax payer funds to pay off sexual harassment claims. Apparently you could get your medical bills if you are Katie Porter of Orange County. Porter, who basically stole her congressional seat in the 2018 when those seven Orange County district magically flipped from Republican to Democrat isn’t even afraid to admit that once she was “elected” to congress that her insurance company paid off her $3,000 medical bill once they realize she would have klout as a member of Congress. How many of you get your insurance company to pay off thousands of dollars in bills when you get a new job? Probably none of you.

Corrupt Democrat Rep. Katie Porter admits to using ‘Congressional Clout’ to erase her medical bills
Corrupt Democrat Rep. Katie Porter admits to using 'Congressional Clout' to erase her medical bills

A patient advocate in this case was a doctor hired by Porter’s employer to help workers navigate complicated health care billing issues.

The acknowledgement that a resolution only came once political clout was employed was not included in Porter’s written remarks published by the committee.

While the use of political pull in this situation may not strictly violate House ethics rules, to some, the moment illustrates other problems with government’s role in health care.

“If the United States had a free market in health care, there would be no reason for providers to be afraid of members of Congress,” said Michael Cannon, the director of health care policy studies at the libertarian Cato Institute.

“The fact that Miss Porter got a special deal when someone mentioned she is a member of Congress shows we already have a government run health care system.”

“This is an appalling example of why people don’t trust government,” said Kendra Arnold, director of the watchdog group Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust. “There should be absolutely zero tolerance for elected officials who use their position to receive special treatment. It is both unethical and un-American.”

Porter’s press secretary did not return a request for comment to the Washington Free Beacon.