Suddenly, the Abolish ICE train from communist Democrats has disappeared. Have you heard any of them, including Bernie Sanders or Kamala Harris mention “abolish ICE” at all during any of their wacky rallies? That’s because they’ve finally realized, that no matter how far left they go, Americans aren’t going for abolishing ICE. Chalk up another failure for crazy eyes Ocasio-Cortez, aka Sandy the Bartender.
Democrats drop Abolish ICE from campaign speeches |
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Following the surprise primary victory of Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, leading national Democrat voices began to co-opt some of the congresswoman’s more radical campaign slogans including “Abolish ICE.” But the Buzzfeed report suggests Democrats have dropped the slogan in favor of “more popular immigration issues, like ending child separation at the border.”
Senators Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, and Kirsten Gillibrand all voiced their support for the slogan in 2018 with Gillibrand going so far as to say it should be the “first thing” Democrats do if they retook Congress that fall.
Sanders voiced his support for the position in a Twitter thread in July of 2018 while Warren in a Facebook post around the same time stated she wanted to “rebuild our immigration system from top to bottom.”