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Devon Michael Erickson registered as a Democrat just days before 2016 election

Devon Michael Erickson, the basement dwelling leftists registered as a Democrat just days before 2016 election so he could vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016. Devon Michael Erickson, one of the two shooters at STEM school in Colorado yesterday killed Kendrick Castillo, a graduating senior who was a part of the school’s robotics team. Erickson’s parents are also registered Democrats.

Devon Michael Erickson registered as a Democrat just days before 2016 election
Devon Michael Erickson registered as a Democrat just days before 2016 election

So the media will now drop this story like a hot potato since they once again have blood on their hands. The media is responsible for gaslighting this thug to shooting up a school and killing Kendrick Castillo.

BTW, how did that gun free zone at the STEM school work out yet again? If not for Kentrick Castillo tackling Erickson, there could have been many more deaths. You can wait for the Democrats to denounce one of their registered party supporters aplogize for Erickson, but that will never happen. The Democrat party of Colorado really has blood dripping from their hands.