Another has-been communist Democrat is entering the race to win the Democrat nomination and get destroyed by Trump. This time it’s no name Michael Bennett of Colorado. He has about as much chance of winning the nomination as I would or Eric Swallow-well would. Zero chance. Pedophile Joe Biden made it quite clear when he entered the race that he wanted to be the last communist in the race. Now’s going to pissed because he isn’t. Michael Bennett becomes the twenty-first Democrat to run.
Yet another communist Democrats enters 2020 race (Sorry Biden, you’re not last) |
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Bennett has one inspirational story, He overcame prostate cancer. Other than that, there is nothing inspirational about Bennett. He’s a nobody, from a state ruined by Californians who moved there in the 90s and early 2000’s, he isn’t gay and isn’t a minority. He will be lucky if he gets 0.0001% of a primary or caucus vote.