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Barr gives House Democrats the middle finger, will not testify

After today’s show where Democrats revealed what their plan is, to destroy William Barr’s reputation ahead of him revealing all the corruption Democrats were involved in with the whole Russia hoax, Barr has had enough. Barr will not testify in front of House communist Democrats tomorrow after they tried to play games and smear Barr. Communist scumbags like Fat Jerry Nadler and the rest are going apeshit after basically getting the middle finger from Barr. Fat Jerry Nadler cancelled tomorrow’s circus. I am finally starting to believe that Barr is going to bust open the communist Democrat’s little scheme that start with Obama in 2016. The Democrats are frightened and this proves it.

Barr gives House Democrats the middle finger, will not testify
Barr gives House Democrats the middle finger, will not testify

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler has created a circus atmosphere ahead of a scheduled appearance by Attorney General William Barr tomorrow.

After today’s hearing devolved into a hot mess; and after Nadler changed processes to block committee representatives from questioning the AG; it appears Attorney General William Barr has cancelled his scheduled appearance.