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David Duke endorses Democrat for 2020 (Democrats always party of KKK)

Hold up a second. I thought the Republicans and especially Donald Trump were the party of the KKK, white supremacy and David Duke. I mean, that’s what the media and Democrats say on a daily basis. Then someone explain to me how a Democrat has won the endorsement of David Duke for 2020. Duke endorsed loser Tulis Gabbard, who has about as much chance of winning the nomination as you do. Gabbard is an anti-Israel anti-Semitic who sucks up to Bashir al-Assad (the Syrian dictator who gassed his own people). I guess that’s Duke’s attraction to Gabbard.

David Duke endorses Democrat for 2020 (Democrats always party of KKK)
David Duke endorses Democrat for 2020 (Democrats always party of KKK)

Democrats are, and will always be the party of the KKK, Jim Crowe, segregationists and slavery. Some things never change.