Heather Heyer was the young woman, run over and killed in Charlottesville in 2017. The left has been using her to pound Trump and Republicans for a handful of idiots carrying tiki torches. Now, Joe Biden is in trouble because he used Heyer’s murder to try and capitalize off her during his campaign announcement. Needless to say Heyer’s mother is not pleased.
Heather Heyer’s mother bashes Biden for capitalizing off daughter’s murder in Charlottesville |
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“But I wasn’t surprised,” said Susan Bro, Heyer’s mother. “Most people do that sort of thing. They capitalize on whatever situation is handy. He didn’t reach out to me, and didn’t mention her by name specifically, and he probably knew we don’t endorse candidates.”
Asked specifically if she found Biden’s use of the tragedy as exploitative, she said, “Since we had not spoken, I’m glad he didn’t specifically mention Heather. It’s not all about her.”
“For me, what he did this morning was that he told me where he stands on one issue,” she said. “Now tell us the rest of your platform. That’s what I’m waiting to hear.”