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Reuters: ‘Boy falls’ from balcony, at Mall of America (tossed by Emmanuel Deshawn Aranda)

Apparently Reuters thinsk Emmanuel Deshawn Aranda is a victim after a tossed a 5 year old boy from the third floor of the Mall of America in Minnesota, near but not in Ilhan Omar’s district. This Reuters headline yet again illustrates why the left wing media are nothing but pond scum sucking vermine. They call it a “boy falling”, not being tossed by Aranda.

Reuters: ‘Boy falls’ from balcony, at Mall of America (tossed by Emmanuel Deshawn Aranda)
Reuters: 'Boy falls' from balcony, at Mall of America (tossed by Emmanuel Deshawn Aranda)

First of all, the boy didn’t “fall”, he was tossed by Emmanuel Deshawn Aranda. Secondly, this should be charged as a hate crime. I guarantee if you if some lily white trash did this to a five year old black male, it would be a hate crime and there would be all kinds of marches, protests and screaming by the media. But this is of course Minnesota, the home of Ilhan Omar and Keith Ellison. Nothing will happen to Aranda, Reuters will get away with their disgusting headline and the state will go on as if nothing happened. Minnesota and the media can all suck it as far as I”m concerned.