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Jussie Smollett may sue city of Chicago and the police

You’ve gotta admire the chutzpah on this clown Jussie Smollett. Not only does he have his political pals like the Obama, Kamala Harris and Oprah Winfrey get him off on sixteen felony charges, now he’s even reportedly considering suing the city of Chicago and the police for “defamation.” Imagine the Pandora’s Box that would open on Smollett if he was so arrogant that he actually followed through with lawsuits against the city of Chicago and it’s police.

Jussie Smollett may sue city of Chicago and the police
Jussie Smollett may sue city of Chicago and the police

Actor Jussie Smollett’s attorney Tina Glandian said her client has yet to decide if he will pursue a lawsuit against the city of Chicago, on “Good Morning America” Wednesday.

“We’re weighing our options now,” Glandian told host George Stephanopoulos. She also called Smollett “a victim” and said he still needs to begin healing from the alleged attack so he can get his life back on course. (RELATED: Chicago Mayor Says Charges Against Smollett Were Dropped ‘Because He’s An Actor’)

“For Jussie what’s really important is, he really just wants his career and his life back,” she continued. “Again, he did not ask for any of this. He was a victim of a crime. This has completely spiraled out of control and become a political event at this point, and his goal and focus right now is just getting his life back on track. He has not even started healing from the initial attack because he’s been dealing with everything that’s happened since then.”