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2020 socialist Democrats running for POTUS skipping AIPAC because of CAIR and

As Democrat antisemitism grows and as radical take over the party and CAIR and dictates the marching orders, all 2020 Democrat communists running for POTUS are skipping the AIPAC conference because of marching orders from CAIR and other radicals in the communist Democrat party. is of course a George Soros left wing attack group. Leftists try to claim that Soros isn’t an anti-Semite because he’s Jewish. WRONG. Soros turned atheist and no longer considers himself Jewish. Quite a change from previous years. Hillary Clinton went to speak at AIPAC in 2016 and Hussein Obama went in 2012.

2020 socialist Democrats running for POTUS skipping AIPAC because of CAIR and
2020 socialist Democrats running for POTUS skipping AIPAC because of CAIR and

WASHINGTON (JTA) — The Democratic candidates are steering clear of AIPAC’s big policy conference, but celebrations by the pro-Israel lobby’s critics on the left may be premature.

This week MoveOn, the progressive advocacy group, asked candidates not to attend the conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, and has been keeping a list of the no-shows: Sens. Kamala Harris of California, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts; Washington Gov. Jay Inslee; South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg; former Housing Secretary Julian Castro; former Maryland Rep. John Delaney; and former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke. (Howard Schultz, the Starbucks mogul considering an independent run, also is not attending.)

However, only Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who said in 2016 that he “would very much have enjoyed speaking at the AIPAC conference,” explained why he wasn’t going this year in language that closely hews to MoveOn’s arguments for snubbing the event.

“He’s concerned about the platform AIPAC is providing for leaders who have expressed bigotry and oppose a two-state solution,” his policy director, Josh Orton, told The Huffington Post.