Leave it to the scum at CNN to mock light of the 23 victims of the Alabama tornadoes over the week and turn it into pure politics. Trump said he would do all that is necessary to help the area recover from the tornadoes that wiped out areas and killed twenty three people. But according to CNN and hack John Avalon, Trump is only helping Alabama because they are a red state or something. This is CNN:
CNN: Trump helping Alabama after tornadoes killed 23 lives only because it’s a conservative state |
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During Tuesday’s “New Day” on CNN, network political analyst John Avlon compared President Donald Trump’s response to the deadly wildfires in California killing around 100 people in 2018 and Hurricane Maria killing around an estimated 3,000 to his response to Sunday’s tornadoes that took at least 23 lives in Alabama.
Avlon wondered if Trump is playing “partisan politics” because his response to conservative Alabama’s natural disaster was to help while he was critical of California and Puerto Rico to the point of being “perilously close to blaming the victim.”
“So, what might make a president take a different instinctive tact towards Puerto Rico, California and the families in Lee County, Alabama?” Avlon asked. “Sad to say, but it just might be politics. Back in November, the Washington Post noted the stark differences in an article headlined, ‘For Trump, Even Disaster Response Is Colored in Red and Blue.’ Trump won Alabama by nearly two to one margin over Hillary Clinton, but lost California by almost the same margin. Bottom line: partisan politics shouldn’t even cross a president’s mind in the face of suffering by U.S. citizens.”
Obviously CNN and John Avalon have a very short memory when it comes to aid to Puerto Rico and California. Trump pledge full support to both places after their natural disaster yet only got press coverage when that corrupt mayor of San Juan would trash Trump on the air. CNN should be ashamed of themselves, but I know otherwise.