Even the L.A. Times sports page has a left wing bias. Hack reporter Dylan Hernandez penned an article that if the Rams win the Super Bowl on Sunday, they should not visit the White House because of Trump. Normally, you expect this type of crap from the general L.A. Times left wing news or opinions sections, but the sports page? Personally, I can care less what happens in the Super Bowl. I don’t follow the NFL so the game is little more than an afterthought for me.
But remember when sports pages of newspapers were actually about sports and not about politics? Seems like so long ago doesn’t it? Hernandez even whines that the NFL is somehow a “conservative league” and is popular in “conservative” parts of the country. I guess the hack reporter forgot about the whole kneeling during the national anthem charade by the NFL.
Hernandez is right about one thing though. Los Angeles is the antithesis of Trump’s vision of America. If you like open borders, feces on the streets, sky high rent and energy prices and abortion on demand, then L.A. is for you. It’s not as bad as San Francisco, but it’s not that far off either.
L.A. Times Sportspage: If Rams win Super Bowl, the should not visit White House |
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On the quest to become one of Los Angeles’ most revered sports institutions, a victory Sunday in the Super Bowl is only the start. What comes after will be almost as important for the Rams.
If President Donald Trump invites them to the White House, they have to decline.
They shouldn’t go. They can’t go.
A Super Bowl winner from any market would have to deliberate such action because of the number of players who object to the President’s racially charged rhetoric and policies. Trump already canceled a scheduled visit by last year’s champion Philadelphia Eagles after many of their players said they wouldn’t attend.
The Rams have even more to think about.
They are part of a conservative league that is popular in conservative parts of the country, but they have to think about the city they represent. They have to think about the remarkable diversity of their unique fan base.