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Kamala Harris: hey, lets eliminate private health insurance!

Crazy Kamala Harris is the latest Democrat-communist media darling. She got a town hall on CNN last night that hardly anyone watched. One of the more scary things crazy Kamala Harris called for though was the elimination of private health insurance. Instead, she wants socialized medicine, aka Medicare for all like Venezuela has. Think about it for a second. A radical California Democrat-communist and one of the leading candidates for the Democrats want to do away with private health insurance, in favor of government run health system. Crazy Kamala Harris makes Hussein Obama look like a moderate with “ObamaCARE.”

Kamala Harris: hey, lets eliminate private health insurance!
Kamala Harris: hey, lets eliminate private health insurance!

So who’s next to out do crazy Kamala? Is groping T-Bone Cory Booker next to announce his candidacy? Mayne groping Joe Biden?