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Pelosi’s negatives went up during government shutdown more than any pol

Remember last week when Botox Pelosi was spiking the football about how she “won” the government shut down battle? Turns out, she was the big loser in the whole shut down game. Pelosi’s negative ratings actually went up more than any other government office (including Trump) according to the latest left wing weighted and biased NBC poll. If people’s negative shot up this much in an NBC poll, imagine how much they really went up if you take away the NBC left wing bias and weighting.

Pelosi’s negatives went up during government shutdown more than any pol
Pelosi’s negatives went up during government shutdown more than any pol

While I didn’t like the result of last week’s end to the government shut down, maybe I reacted hastily. This had a far more adverse affect on Democrats than it did Trump.

Pelosi and the communist Democrats need to remember that they are servants to US, the American people. Pelosi is NOT the queen, even though the media treats her like one.

Via: Weasel Zippers