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Mueller goons used more force on Roger Stone than Navy SEALs used during Bin-Laden raid

Believe it or not, there were more people used by the Mueller goon squad to “arrest” Roger Stone, scare hi deaf wife and dog than there were Navy SEALs who stormed the Bin-Laden complex in Pakistan when they took that terrorist scum out. It’s not like the old man Roger Stone is some sort of high risk terrorist with tons of weapons in his Florida house or anything, but that just doewsn’t seem to matter anymore.

During the raid on Bin-Laden, 25 Navy SEALs were used to take out the terrorist scum.

This past week, 29 Mueller goons were used in the pre-dawn raid on Roger Stone’s Florida home.

Let that sink in for awhile.

Mueller goons used more force on Roger Stone than Navy SEALs used during Bin-Laden raid
Mueller goons used more force on Roger Stone than Navy SEALs used during Bin-Laden raid

On May 2, 2011, in the early morning hours 25 Navy SEALs stormed Osama Bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. The Navy SEALs arrived in two Black Hawk helicopters to storm the compound of the terrorist leader behind the 9-11 attacks.

On January 25, 2019, in the pre-dawn hours, at least six FBI vehicles and 29 FBI agents stormed Trump associate Roger Stone’s home in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The deep state officers were dressed in tactical vests with large weapons. They were wearing night vision glasses.

This is the Mueller Deep State at work.
They send out fully armed tactical teams to harass and abuse political opponents in the dead of night.
And only CNN hacks get tipped off before hand.