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California Democrats Moonbeam, Feinstein, Harris, Pelosi all silent on illegal alien cop killer

California Democrats, who have ruined the state like Jerry Moonbeam Brown, Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi (busy vacationing in Hawaii), Diane Feinstein, Kamala Harris and Little Schiff are never at a loss for words when it comes to allowing illegal aliens into this country. In fact, Chicom Diane Feinstein wants Senate hearings on the two illegal alien children who died recently because their parents refused to allow medical treatment. Oh, did I forget Maxine Waters, busy vacationing in The Bahamas too? Whenever there is a shooting, they are the first screaming for gun control.

When an illegal alien kills a cop, like this piece of shit with two prior DUI arrests, the loud mouthed communist-socialists sure shut up fast don’t they? None of these California Democrats have uttered a word, or had their staff type up a conciliatory state on their social media. I wonder why. Could it be because these dirtbags are only sorry that the illegal alien got caught and not that officer Ronil Singh, a legal immigrant was killed? Do you honestly think these filthy Democrats care that Singh’s five month old son will grow up without a father? Of course not.

California Democrats Moonbeam, Feinstein, Harris, Pelosi all silent on illegal alien cop killer
California Democrats Moonbeam, Feinstein, Harris, Pelosi all silent on illegal alien cop killer

You know what will happen next don’t you? The illegal alien killer will be released, just like Kate Steinle’s killer and the story will disappear from the headlines. It’s a cycle that will just repeat itself.