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Good! Caravan invaders sullen and dejected after being repelled on Sunday

I guess I’m supposed to be feel sorry for the caravan invaders. They are feeling sullen and dejected after being repelled during the border rush on Sunday. Am I supposed to feel sorry for them? Too bad, because I don’t. Since when did we become a nation of feeling sorry for outside invaders? I know the corrupt media and Democrats want us to feel sorry for these so called “victims” but I don’t. They are invaders, plain and simple. If they wanted to apply for amnesty in the legit way, they could very easily do so. Instead, they rush our border, toss rocks and bottles at our border patrol and label us racist for not wanting them. No, I don’t feel one bit of sympathy for these invaders, and I don’t care who that pisses off.

Good! Caravan invaders sullen and dejected after being repelled on Sunday
Good! Caravan invaders sullen and dejected after being repelled on Sunday

Enough is enough with this invasion. It’s obvious that the left wing billionaires Soros and Tom Steyer are trying to flood this country with low skilled, welfare grabbing third world individuals. It would be foolish to discount a portion of actually good people in this group who is just looking for a better life in this country and actually want to contribute to this country. But using the guise of this caravan invasion isn’t the way to go about reaching America the proper way. Any good people in this group are simply being used as political pawns by left wing billionaires.