Ooops. CNN said on air how they are rooting for Democrats in Florida. Left wing hack John King, who divorced Dana Bash is hoping that courts in Florida ‘Bend the Letter of the Law.’ The current amount of outstanding ballots only total 4,000-7,000. Not enough to help corrupt Democrats even if they all magically are all Democrat votes.
CNN rooting for Dems in Florida: hopes courts ‘Bend the Letter of the Law’ |
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Fake news CNN never disappoints. They are trying so hard to be MSNBC. Leftists aren’t going to abdonended MSNBC and hacks like Rachel Maddow. CNN is dead in the water with their far left bias. They aren’t going to attract new viewers. Ever Fox News’ webite’s traffic has suprassed CNN. THat’s one area CNN used to dominate. Not anymore.