With all the talk by the media about how communist-socialist Democrat females scored big wins this past Tuesday, they continue the historical victories enjoyed by conservative women all over the country. What am I talking about? Of course Marsha Blackburn becoming the first female to ever represent Tennessee in a state-wide election. You also had female conservative win big in governor’s races. Kim Reynolds of Iowa and Kristi Noem of South Dakota became the first females to become governors of their states. Even in Florida, no matter how hard the Democrats try to steal the election, Jeanette Nunez becomes the first Latina Lt. Governor in Florida’s history. Pretty good, yet completely ignored by the corrupt media.
Conservative women score historical mid-term victories – media ignores |
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That shattering glass sound you probably didn’t hear was that of ceilings broken by several Republican women winning important elected offices. There has been radio silence from the media coverage of their victories. It’s almost as though conservative women aren’t worthy of acknowledgment, or something. The liberal women are all over the headlines and on the receiving end of slobbering magazine stories because they are kindred spirits of those covering them.
The most exciting victories for me, as a conservative, are the ones at the state level. Governors and Lt. Governors play such important roles in the political system that I am particularly pleased to see these victories. With another census coming in 2020 plus the presidential election, the stakes are high.