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Almost 2/3 of American voters say press has divided the country

So why does Trump call the fake news press the enemy of the people? Because it’s true. You can’t get 64% to agree on anything in politics, except in this poll. Sixtyfour percent of those polled by Morning Consult say that the media and press is trying to divide the country. That even includes a plurality of Democrats if you can believe that. The fake news media truly is the enemy of the people. Morning Consult is a left wing polling outfit used by Politico, so it’s probably safe the assume that the percentage of people who blame the fake news media for dividing the country is probably higher than 64%.

Almost 2/3 of American voters say press has divided the country
Almost 2/3 of American voters say press has divided the country

In the new Morning Consult/Politico poll, 64 percent of registered voters said the press has done more to divide the country than unite it since Trump took office, compared with 56 percent who said the same was true of the president. The poll of 2,543 voters was conducted Oct. 25-30, after news first broke of mail bomb suspect Cesar Sayoc’s attempted acts of politically motivated violence and amid news of a shooting by suspect Robert Bowers at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh.