Robert Bowers, the anti-Trump, anti-Semite killer of 11 in Pittsburgh today is just another byproduct of the antisemitism that Democrat have been showing since the start of the twenty-first century. Democrats have been badmouthing Israel and sucking up to ISIS terrorists for years now. They even booed Israel during the 2012 DNC convention. This is part of the radical left wing page that the Democrats continue to follow to their demise. Here’s the video from the 2012 convention of Democrats booing Israel:
Flashback: 2012 DNC convention boos Israel |
Democrats inspired Robert Bowers and unfortunately, there will likely be more just like him as long as Democrats continue to bad mouth Israel. Considering that Democrats hang out with antisemities like Louis Farrakhan, Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton, is it really any surprise that crap like today happened?