Karma has arrived for Creepy Porn Lawyer Michael Avenatti and his stooge anti-Kavanaugh client Julie Swetnik. If you don’t remember who Julie Swetnik was, she was the bimbo who claimed she attended a “rape party” while she was in college and Brett Kavanaugh was in high school. Swetnik stumbled through a softball NBC interview where she couldn’t remember if Brett Kavanaugh actually participated in the so called “gang rapes.” Swetnik then admitted she went back to parties, 10 times after the so called “gang rape.’
Creepy porn lawyer and Julie Swetnik referred for criminal investigation |
In a 12-page letter containing 7 separate exhibits, Sen. Chuck Grassley just formally referred Michael Avenatti and Julie Swetnick to DOJ for criminal charges, specifically false statements and deliberate obstruction of a congressional investigation. pic.twitter.com/JSXKnPNb0O
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) October 25, 2018
Grassley's criminal referral of Avenatti and Swetnick also contains new evidence that Swetnick has a history of making false rape charges. Under penalty of perjury, an ex-boyfriend says she explicitly threatened to falsely accuse him of rape and have him deported. pic.twitter.com/QnhpuAAP4I
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) October 25, 2018