Cory Booker is being accused of sexual assault by an anonymous Twitter user who goes by the name Deep Throat. The alleged sexual assault incident is claimed to have occured in 2014, not 36 years ago as was the case with Brett Kavanaugh. This accusation has an actual transcript of what happened, not like the “I don’t recall” allegations against Brett Kavanaugh. This accuser is a male. Does #Metoo still count here?
#CoryBooker Sexually Assaulted Me
and why it won't matter to the #metoo movement.— Deep Throat (@TheeDeepThroat) October 20, 2018
Brief follow-up to some concerns that have been raised:
— Deep Throat (@TheeDeepThroat) October 20, 2018
Cory Booker accused of sexual assault (with transcript) |
Based on the left and media’s hypocrisy on Brett Kavanaugh, Cory Booker must resign now from the Senate, as these anonymous allegations from “Deep Throat” are just too credible. Isn’t that what they told us with Blasey Ford and Kavanaugh? If Booker wouldn’t resign, he needs to be impeached from the Senate and a bunch of investigations need to begin.
Cory Booker already admitted to groping a female college student in the 1980’s while at Stanford. If this accusation against Booker is true, this reveals a disturbing pattern for old Spartacus Booker.