Threats against Christine Blasey-Ford and Brett Kavanaugh, his wife and kids need to stop and stop right now. I’m sick and tired how some decide to play keyboard cowboys and issue threats against another human being. The threats against Kavanaugh, his wife and kids isn’t really all that surprising. This is how progressives always operate, especially when the media ginns up hatred and anger against a man who is accused of something from 36 years ago. At a party he claims he wasn’t even at.
Those making threats against Blasey-Ford and Kavanaugh family need to STFU |
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In the case of Christine Blasey-Ford, threats against her and and her family are being reported to be equally as bad as those against Kavanaugh and his family. She’s been forced from her Northern California home and has been given armed security to protect her from the various threats coming in. We are better than this. We can support Brett Kavanaugh, understand the games Diane Feinstein are playing and still no resort to leftist keyboard cowboy threats against another human being. Leave that to the radical left wing progressives. That’s their terrority.
I have zero respect for anyone who makes threats from being a computer, tablet or phone screen just to add to the discourse created by the Democrats and media. You aren’t ‘cool’ if you make physical threats against other people. You are basically acting like a left wing radical. If you want to threaten things, financially boycott things and organizations against the people you may disagree with. Scaring little kids because you think you are cool and forcing someone out of their home for security reason makes you lame, not cool.
You want to get back at Blasey-Ford and the Democrats for their stunt against Brett Kavanaugh? Here’s another thing you can do. VOTE in November.