Regardless of what I and others think of John McCain’s politics, I still don’t wish this brain cancer on him. Cancer sucks, no matter what form and unless the person is a radical terrorist, I just don’t wish it on anyone. This includes McCain or anyone else I disagree with on politics. By ending medical treat for his brain cancer, McCain will not last much longer. If he lasts beyond two more weeks I’d be surprised.
John McCain has chosen to end medical treatment for brain cancer, according to his family. |
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McCain has not taken a vote in the Senate since December. Most notably, his vote was against the “skinny” ObamaCARE repeal. I know why he did it, out of a spitefulness of Trump. But that’s fine. I still don’t wish him to suffer any longer from this brain cancer. I understand how people have differences, and that was the case here.
Because I am not a progressive, I don’t want anyone who has cancer to suffer. Cancer sucks regardless of who has it. The biggest communist Democrat in the country could get it and i’d have sympathy for them. Put yourself in the place of John McCain for a brief moment. Would you like to go through or put your family through brain cancer (or any kind of cancer)?