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Bahena-Rivera demands you stop calling him an illegal alien!

Poor illegal alien Cristhian Bahena-Rivera. He’s fed up and isn’t going to take being called an illegal alien anymore. The “alleged” killer of Mollie Tibbetts had has attorney Allan Richard filed a gag order in Iowa to demand that his client not be referred to as an illegal alien or illegal immigrant. The cold blooded killer demands respect!

Allan M. Richards, the defense attorney looks like Captain Kangaroo and of course blamed Trump for his killer client’s problems. You know, the illegal alien claims he “blacked out” and doesn’t remember killing Tibbetts.

Bahena-Rivera demands you stop calling him an illegal alien!
Bahena-Rivera demands you stop calling him an illegal alien!

Earlier today, Richards tried to claim that Rivera wasn’t in this country illegally. That of course has been proven to be a lie by United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

On top of everything else, Iowa tax payers had to pay for a translator for poor little Cristhian Bahena-Rivera. You see, he’s been in this country since Obama let him in, yet he never found the time or desire to learn the country’s language, English. I guess all that “hard work” on the farm was just too much to overcome for Rivera.