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Daily Beast Journalist named ‘Thor’ Benson burns American flag

If you are named “Thor” you probably got beat up a lot as a kid. Thor Benson a “journalist” for the left wing Daily Beast and The Atlantic. Here is Thor Benson trying to be ‘edgy’ on the Fourth of July. He burned an American flag and posted it to his Twitter feed.

Daily Beast Journalist named ‘Thor’ Benson burns American flag
Daily Beast Journalist named 'Thor' Benson burns American flag

I get it. Thor Benson needs attention. What he did is perfectly legal in a capitalist country. You almost want to feel sorry for the little goober Thor. Imagine the abuse he got from classmates when he was younger. And that shirt he’s wearing. Does he think he’s Jimmy Buffet now or something?

Thor Benson represents what left wing “journalism” has become today. Burn an American flag and try to be cool with all the communist Democrats who will cheer you on. After a childhood like Thor must have had, he likely needs to attention of communist progressives.

Remember this image though the next time leftist “journalist” whine about how hated they are. Remember this image the next time you load up left wing garbage sites like the Daily Beast.