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Green Party of Texas bans Kino Ahuitzotl Jimenez

Looks like violent left wing extremist Kino Ahuitzotl Jimenez isn’t wanted anywhere after using the n-word, tossing a cup of water in a teenager’s face and stealing his MAGA hat at a San Antonio Whataburger. Kino Ahuitzotl Jimenez has been since been fired from his job as part-time door guy at a bar called Rumble. He’s also been banned by his political party. The far left, Jill Stein Green Party of Texas has been Jimenez from any future membership.

Green Party of Texas bans Kino Ahuitzotl Jimenez
Green Party of Texas bans Kino Ahuitzotl Jimenez

In the interview, Gavino Zarate, secretary of the Harris County Green Party, who said he was speaking for the state party as a whole on the issue, condemned the incident, which was captured in a viral video that shows a man later identified as Kino Jimenez allegedly tossing a drink on a 16-year-old boy named Hunter Richard, using a racial slur, and then walking off with the teen’s MAGA hat.

“We all have different opinions of our president, but we don’t take it out on innocent kids who just happen to have a hat on,” Zarate told Heavy in an exclusive interview. “You may not like the hat or you may not like the president, but you don’t show that kind of aggression toward teenagers. It goes against everything the Green Party stands for. We are not violent. We do not take our aggression out on innocent young people.” The man’s full name is Kino Ahuitzotl Jimenez.

“We are handling it in house. From our point of view, he is banned from being part of our organization,” said Zarate. You can watch the video later in this article. Be aware that it contains a racial slur and is disturbing. San Antonio police have confirmed the boy, identified by local TV as Hunter Richard, and his guardian made a report on the incident.