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Creepy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti will run for POTUS in 2020 if Trump runs

Oh this is just too good to be true! Creepy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti says he will run for POTUS (likely as a Democrat) in 2020 if Trump runs for re-election that year. Considering the “quality” of Democrat candidates like crazy Kamala Harris, fake injun Elizabeth Warren, Communists Kirsten Gillibrand and Bernie Sanders, Avanatti might have a real chance in the Democrat primaries. Do you know how awesome and funny this would be if creepy porn lawyer run against Trump in 2020?

Creepy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti will run for POTUS in 2020 if Trump runs
Creepy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti will run for POTUS in 2020 if Trump runs

Please BASTArd, run in 2020! Do us all a favor and run. This would be the most hilarious election ever! Stormy Daniels could be his running mate, if they don’t both claim their home state as California!