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Scenes from #FamiliesBelongTogether – open borders, abolish ICE

I’ll give the open borders progressives some credit today. They are finally out of the closet calling for open borders and abolishing of ICE. Democrats (and some Republicans) have been for this for decades. Yet the never would say so publicly, until now. Check out some of the signs from the various #FamiliesBelongTogether protests. Plenty of signs calling for open borders and abolishing of ICE. Not one sign about MS-13 though. And as usual, there were plenty of signs with threats. Typical of progressives.

Scenes from #FamiliesBelongTogether – open borders, abolish ICE
Scenes from #FamiliesBelongTogether - open borders, abolish ICE

Sorry progressives. No matter how many people you bus in from liberal enclaves and no matter how many Craigslist ads you run, America isn’t going to be open borders. You hypocrites had nothing to say when Obama actually put kids in cages. You losers have to re-circulate old photos from 2014 to try and make a point. At least George Soros, Tom Steyer and MS-13 are proud of you though. So there’s that for your participation trophy.