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Leftists celebrate as Charles Krauthammer has just weeks to live ‏

Today is a very sad day. First Anthony Bourdain kills himself in France, then a letter released by Charles Krauthammer mentions that his cancer has returned and that he only has a few weeks to live. But as is typical for the vicious progressive liberal Democrats, they are happy at Krauthammer’s imminent death. I didn’t agree with him all of the time, but I respected him all of the time. They are even celebrating on social media to really no surprise. Below are just a few examples of the progressive liberal left celebrating Krauthammer’s cancer and impending death. These are the people who always yell “peace, love and tolerance.”

Leftists celebrate as Charles Krauthammer has just weeks to live ‏
Leftists celebrate as Charles Krauthammer has just weeks to live ‏

And here’s Vannity Fair’s Barrett Brown. He is based in Dallas, Texas.

at least this liberal hack is honest. He doesn’t care about Americans.

You even have Oliver Willis. A black race hustler who used to be with Media Matter and now writes for “Share Blue” celebrating. It’s enough to make you sick to your stomach.

Really classy stuff huh? Unfortunately, this is what you come to expect from the left in the twenty first century. This is the true scum that they really are. I cringe to think what these leftist scum will be tweeting when Krauthammer does actually die of cancer.

You can disagree with someone politics all you want. But wishing and celebrating the death of someone who you disagree with just because he is a “conservative” is beyond repulsive.