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Joy Reid moves on from hacking, claims she’s evolved on McCain, Israel and 9-11 trutherism

Roseanne Barr had a very bad week. But so did hack Joy Reid of NBC. New blog posts revealed that were written by her this week involved John McCain photoshopped on the head of the Virginia Tech shooter, 9/11 trutherism and anti-Israel rants. There were also posts by Reid degrading Mexicans.

Unlike when Reid was caught with homophobic blog posts, this time she isn’t claiming she was “hacked.” Instead, she is claiming that she has “evolved” on issues like McCain, Israel, Mexicans and 9/11 trutherism, whatever that’s supposed to mean.

Joy Reid moves on from hacking, claims she’s evoloved on McCain, Israel and 9-11 trutherism
Joy Reid moves on from hacking, claims she's evolved on McCain, Israel and 9-11 trutherism

There hasn’t been one statement from NBC or MSNBC about Reid’s disgusting post of John McCain as the Virginia Tech shooter, nothing about her anti-Mexican posts and nothing about her antisemitism. Of course, there is also nothing from NBC about 9/11 trutherism. That’s not too unexpected since some of the main “stars” on that network are also 9/11 truthers.