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Mueller to wrap up Russia witch hunt soon?

We’ve all heard this rumor before, so take it with a grain of salt. But there are rumors, once again that dirty cop Robert Mueller, who has wasted over $10 million US tax payer dollars on his Trump-Russia witch hunt may be wrapping up soon. After Mueller over played his hand by going after Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen, something seemed to shift. None of what Cohen is being investigated for has anything to do with Russia. Imagine. Mueller finishes wasting tax payer money, ruins the life of Michael Flynn and his family then gets sued up the ying-yang for his obviously conflicted staff of goons he hired for this witch hunt. We’ll see if this rumor is true or if this drags on for another year or two costing tax payers tens of millions of dollars.

Mueller to wrap up Russia witch hunt soon?
Mueller to wrap up Russia witch hunt soon?

Mueller to Wrap Up the Russian Ruse Soon
Robert Mueller is an embarrassment to all but the great unwashed.
His “investigation” is a sham, and the most ardent Leftists know this.

Mueller has continued his ruse, in hopes of a Democrat victory in the House in November. If that were to happen (and it won’t), these investigations would suddenly go away. The DC swamp creatures would re-emerge, and begin the rebuilding process.

No House victory, and DC implodes. Which is why the Left work so hard to continue the Russian ruse. As I’ve said on my radio show and elsewhere, when Mueller stops hunting Trump, he must turn on his masters: the Democrats.

But this ruse will end without testimony from the president. I personally would have like to see Trump take down Mueller for good. Many on the Right warned against Trump testifying to Mueller, but they don’t understand Trump.