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Enrique Morones: We need amnesty because of American wars, using natural resources

Looks like open borders and amnesty advocates have a new excuse as to why we should give amnesty to millions of illegal aliens already in this country plus the millions that will come here once amnesty is granted. According to Enrique Morones of “Border Angels,” we need to give amnesty to illegals for all of Americans sins of the past. You see, according to MORONes, we use too much natural resources from places like Honduras and El Salvador so we must give amnesty. We also must give amnesty because of Bush’s Iraq war or something. What will these open border hacks think of next? Using all of Honduras and El Salvador’s natural resources? Now that’s a good one.

Enrique Morones: We need amnesty because of American wars, using natural resources
Enrique Morones: We need amnesty because of American wars, using natural resources

Ok Enrique Morones, tell us. How many of these third world illegals do you plan to put up, rent free at your home? Since American is so bad and evil, why are you even living in such a “spiteful” country? Because you are a big, fat hypocrite and a progressive Democrat with the mental disorder known as liberalism.